Monday, October 14, 2013


It was a big day for me yesterday.  Off to hospital I went at 7am.  I was first on the operating list. My big toe has been giving me trouble for years, but this year was the worst, and I could no longer walk without pain.  I thought I was too young to be this way, and by the end of the day, the pain was travelling up my leg, into my knee and up to my hip.  It wasn't looking or sounding good. So with some prompting and encouragement, I did something about it.  In essense, I've had my toe broken.  The surgeon has fused the joint of my big toe together with a metal plate.  I now have to stay put for 2 weeks while the plate knits to the bone.  Supposedly this will take the pain away, but I will no longer be able to bend my toe.  They say I will adapt and be moblie again without pain, which is a good thing.

This is where I am now - in bed surrounded by quilts and pussy cats.  Yes, I am in pain - ouch!  Lots of tablets to take every few hours and feeling just a little bit helpless.  As you know, I have baby birds to look after and chooks to feed, and children to teach!  This will be a hard lesson for me to slow down, and rely on others a bit more.  You never know, it could be good - I am just so used to  buzzing around being busy ALL the time, so it will be a real change.  I've worded up my friends to come and visit, and I have my blogging friends right here.  Those crutches are only to be used for taking me to the toilet.  That's as far as I'm allowed to go.
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