Friday, January 11, 2013

Summer Days and Hot hot hot days

We are having some very HOT weather this summer, and it is testing the garden . . . and the gardener.  I have been doing a LOT of watering, which is not usually so necessary where I live, as we usually have some rain here and there to tide us over.

This beautiful hydrangea must be in just the right spot, as it hasn't "drooped" at all, like some of my others. It is a very pretty one.

I have been experimenting with scraps, but am not quite happy with what I am achieving.  Could be my work space which I'll show you further in the post!

Just wondering if anyone else has a problem with "baskets" - I can't resist them.

Here is my work space - maybe I should tidy it up and I would have more room to work, and think and plan - that seems such a tedious task though - I'd rather be sewing.  MUM, I need your help!

Now this mother bird is having a final sit for the season.  I think it is too hot.  She has 5 eggs under there, and they were due to hatch yesterday.  There was nothing tonight, so I will keep a close watch tomorrow.  I have boiled some chicken eggs for them to feed to the babies, if they hatch.

This is one of the little babies from Christmas time.  They looked like little dinosaurs, and now all fluffy and cute.  They grow so quickly.  There's been 10 babies hatch and survive.  I've had a couple of fatalities - they don't all survive.

Another Christmas Baby!

Hardy Aggies - oldies, but goodies . . .

. . . and this was one of my "pot luck" roses I bought in the winter for $5.  I am thrilled with the flower. I think a Double Delight.

Vegi Garden make over tomorrow - expected temperature much lower

. . . a familiar sight at my back door - my Christmas Gloves have already worn a hole ~

. . . another Christmas Baby
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