I just LOVE being a Gardener . . .
There is ALWAYS something to look forward to, and every season sneaks into my heart and becomes my favourite.
Autumn has arrived in Ballarat, and it's my all time favourite (for the moment).
The vibrant colours are everywhere and I might just be a little bit obsessed with my "garden curtains" outside my back door. With the morning sun shining through them, they are a BRILLIANT colour and a joy to behold.
I used to have to collect the Autumn leaves from town when I first moved here, but now I have Autumn leaves of my very own - oh bliss!
And amongst it all, there are still plenty of flowers. The roses are rising to their Autumn Flush and the Salvias are full of flowers.
Lots of exciting things every day in my garden. So happy to be on School Holidays so I can enjoy it everyday.