Sunday, March 22, 2015

Beautiful Begonias

 On Saturday I went for a lovely walk through our local Botanical Gardens with my mum.
 We recently had a Begonia Festival and the display was just magnificent.
 Everywhere we looked in the hot house was just amazing.
 We kept saying to each other "look at this one! . . . look at this one!"

 The Prime Minister Walk in the Gardens is also interesting.
R.I.P. Mal Fraser
 This is our newest Bust that was unveiled this year.

 An amazing likeness of Julia

It was a lovely way to spend a Saturday afternoon

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

It's a Jungle out there

 Angus is 6 months old.
 We got him from the RSPCA last Saturday
 He is a wonderfully friendly, placid little puss
 He has been inside for a few days but has just begun exploring the garden
He thinks he is "the king of the world"...but we know the other 2 cats are...or one in particular! 
 There were so many places to hide and explore
 He had a lovely time out there

 . . . and then it was time to rest on a quilt inside
and have a cat nap

Saturday, March 14, 2015


 Guess who may have just fallen in love with
 a ginger kitten today!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Josephine Lilly

 Each day I have been filled with joy at the beauty of this lilly

Just beautiful Autumn Glory

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


 I've been blogging for awhile now, and have had the pleasure to meet up with a lot of these virtual friends.
 Such great, like minded people . . .
 One of these lovely ladies is non other than
 A month or so ago, I got a lovely email, asking for my address, because she wanted to send me some bulbs she had been dividing.
 A few days later a lovely parcel arrived full of plump juicy bulbs - all named and wrapped and still damp from the earth.
 I put them in the ground and the most wonderful thing happened ...

Thank you Bloom - further updates as it comes out