Monday, January 26, 2015

Pussy Cat

A couple of weeks ago, I told my Pussy Cat that I bought her a plant.  It was a Fuchsia called Pussy Cat.  I couldn't refuse it, even though I didn't know what the flower looked like.  It had plenty of buds, so I have been patiently waiting for it to flower.  So here it is . . . Pussy Cat

 Beautiful Summer roses in my friend's garden.
 . . . and my happy petunia pot!

 With special stove paint, I blackened the pot belly - it looks great and I'm looking forward to toasting some marshmallows one of these days.
 After adding some chicken manure to some pots, these snapdragons sprang to life.  I guess some food was what they needed.  They are really fancy ones I planted some other year and didn't think they would come back.

 This is a nice succulent I have in a pot that always looks good and is easy to strike.  It caught my eye tonight when I was taking photos.
Last day of Summer Holidays tomorrow!  NO APPOINTMENTS being made - just "chilling" as the kids would say, and getting my head in a space that is ready to head back to work after a brilliant holiday AT HOME.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Tiger Lilly Time

Tiger Lillies are wonderful summer bulbs that amaze me every year. The way they hang as a bud and then after several days, unfurl . . .

 and curl their leaves and dance on their stems.

I love them every year.  When they finish flowering, they die down, and sleep for months, and then one day, they just pop up again and grow tall and strong. 
. . . and then in the Summer Holidays, I get these
"love 'em!"

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The holidays have been great.  We've even been to a family wedding.
Many years ago, my cousin married a school teacher and got married in the January Holidays.
This year her second daughter married a school teacher and there were lots of memories while getting ready for a wedding in the January Holidays.  Only this time instead of being one of the children, I took 2 of my own children.  The cycle of life if amazing.

 Another great thing I've done lately is go to our local Botanical Gardens.
 They are a WONDERFUL place to see blooms displayed in such a fantastic way.  The hydrangeas were magnificent, and look at the hanging baskets below.  They were filled with Lobelia and looked like drifts of clouds in glass house.
A lovely place to sit, and think about life.

 Certainly very inspiring and motivating to get back home to my garden.  I sometimes forget about this wonderful place that is really so close to my home.  They even have a nursery where they propagate plants from the gardens and sell to the general public.  Thank Marlene for taking me.
 Starting to think about school again, just quietly on the side. A couple of weeks to go until I'm back in the thick of it.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Summer Holidays

 A couple of old treasures from the farm came to live at my place.  We've begun sanding back the pew which is a big job.  It's looking better for it, and fits nicely in our undercover area.  Another thing was the old pot belly stove.  We have got some blacking agent to spray it with.  I'm looking forward toasting marshmallows in the wintertime.
 White Agapanthus are so bright at my back door.
Lots and lots of poppy seed heads, but my problem now is that I forget what colours they are!  I really should label them when in flower - a challenge for next year.
 I love this blue Sea Holly.  Really interesting flowers and a bit different amongst the old favourites.  Looking out for one for you Jayne.
 Love my Hydrangeas . . .

 . . . and hollyhocks

 This flat topped yellow Yarrow has been a winner in my garden.  A really strong plant but doesn't sucker like some others that I have.  Bright and beautiful and great with cut flowers.

 My Brugmansia is a constant joy at this time of the year.

 . . . and here are my Christmas Lilies, flowering in January!

Given to me by my sister a few years ago, so very special.  I might even plant them in the ground next year as they haven't multiplied in the pot.  Might be because I forget to feed them.  So many jobs to do in the garden.  Can't possibly remember everything, but I can try!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy New Year 2015

 It's a VERY hot day here in Ballarat Australia.  My poor garden is being blown about with hot hot winds.  I've been waiting patiently for my Christmas Lillies to bloom, and when I went outside before, one had opened and the pot had blown over. I brought it inside to the Laundry.  I've waited too long to see it damaged by weather.  This picture is a special Snowflake Agapanthus that is just opening too, but it's safely in the ground.
 My birds were hot too.  I gave them some fresh bath water and sprayed the cages to cool them down.  This little lady was perching over her 5 eggs . . . she must have worried about them cooking underneath her.
 This is one of the new babies this season.  Some nice soft colourings and a quiet nature . . . must be a girl!
 This white one was a baby last year, and has already had 2 sets of babies this season.  Unfortunately no white ones like her yet.
 A new baby this season with a distinctive black eyebrow on one side only.
 California Poppies valiantly flowering in the heat
 . . . and my beautiful blue Cornflowers - a lovely display this summer outside my back door.

I'm looking forward to this year being a "good one!"