Saturday, September 27, 2014

Waiting Patiently

 Yesterday, I had some friends over who sat on these chairs in the garden.
 At a certain point in the afternoon, Miss Flowergarden served tea and biscuits.  I'm sure Max the cat thought that if he waited patiently, there might be some spoils today. . . perhaps he gave up waiting and fell asleep
 I did sneak out to my favourite Nursery (Lambley) this afternoon to see the tulips.

 Then home again to my garden
 . . . and I thought it looked pretty good.  It did help that the sun was shining today.

I think he really was waiting for afternoon tea!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Floriade 2014

 This time last year, I was heading to Floriade in Canberra.  It was a wonderful experience to see all the beautiful flowers, especially the tulips.
 This year, Floriade came to Ballarat!
 I've planted lots of tulips, and have some wonderful blooms out at the moment.
 These Species Hippiastrums are putting on a fabulous display.  They are hard to photograph, but the light this morning caught them beautifully.
 I've had Master Flowergarden 14 helping me out in the garden this school holidays.  We have filled an old potato box with pea straw and compost, and planted a crop of strawberries for summertime.
 I put the sticks in to keep the birds and the cats out of there, and so far it is working.
 These frilly poppies are amazing.  They are wild in my garden now, and I never know where they are going to spring up.
 . . . and for the tulips

 I do have to confess that some of the tulips belong to some friends who invited me over for a garden tour this lovely afternoon.
 Blossoms are everywhere and the smell is divine.
 This beautiful wire ball was made by my friend from some old barbed wire that was scrap.  It makes a wonderful feature.

Less travelling this year, and great views in our own back yards.
Go Gardeners!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Scarves - I Love 'em!

Papava Poppies flowering now

 The Daphne is just a beautiful scent!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Friday, September 12, 2014

Spring Finish

I have been playing with this wool for awhile now.  Trying different patterns and not getting any of them right!  In the end I decided to just do some free style crotchet, and this is what I cam up with.

The wool is just beautiful and I enjoyed working with it.  It was a late night EBay purchase that arrived one day at my front door.

My garden continues to bloom, and steal me away from the house.  I love bulbs and the reward you get from the wait, and the preparation in the Autumn.

These are some new treasures that have found their way to me.  Symbols of new beginnings, strength and beauty.

I had trouble taking a photograph of my new scarf . . . maybe it was the time of the day. . . but this gives you an idea of how it looks on.

A Spring Finish
. . . and I'm off to Les Mis tomorrow with 'Miss Flowergarden' who is turning 17 next week, as a birthday treat.