Friday, August 29, 2014

Oh, what a beautiful morning

 Now this is a story. . .
 I should have taken a before and after - I found this old chair on the side of the road a few months back.  I gave it a new life.  Looking from this angle, I need to put something underneath so you don't see those springs - but I was pretty happy with the result.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Sunday, August 24, 2014

What a WEEK!

 Last week at school was H U G E
It was our Bi Annual Arts Week.
 All week (with the exception of a few classes here and there) were dedicated to creative arts.  My idea of a little slice of heaven.
 There was dancing, singing, workshops of all shapes and sizes . . .
 . . . a visit to the local Art Gallery
 Guest Performers
 I did happen to sneak in a little bit of gardening with the children
 Collaborative Projects
 and heaps of fun stuff
 All culminating with a Public Exhibition on Friday arvo
 Each classroom made their space into an Art Gallery

 It was amazing
 It made me feel very proud of our school and students
 and thankful that I could be part of it

 This is one of the Trojan Horses from my room
The alternate years we have a school concert . . .
but I think I like Arts Week best!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Small Promises of Springtime

What wonderful friends I have - who know me so well.
This beautiful hellebore was given to me as a late birthday gift from a special friend

Everywhere I look in the garden there are bulbs shooting through the soil, and the jonquils are in full flight - heralding the turning of the season.
Johnny Jump Ups are one of my FAVOURITE annuals, and I always have them popping up everywhere in the garden, as they love to self seed - I encourage this type of plant.
And as for my cushion story, well, I finished the cushions, and was flushed with success.  Always being taught to "go the extra mile", I went rummaging around in the shed and found some old paint from our last house.

. . . and it went from this, above - to this, below!

 What a cosy bed that looks like. 
No wonder my pussy cat loves to tuck up with me!
 I found JUST the thing for my little crotched basket - when I saw these at Masters yesterday, I couldn't resist.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Crafty Fun

 I'm working on a couple of pillows for my bed.  I've never been a "lots of pillows" sort of gal, but I'm having a bedroom makeover. 
 This is my new handbag finally finished.
 I put a shorter handle than I normally do - for a change, and used a buckle loop that I haven't used before.  I also tried one of the twist and turn closures.
 I'm very happy with the result, and have been strutting my stuff at work this week.

My cousin sent me a box full of Camelias which was a lovely treat.
I did happen to catch the cat having a sip from the water they were floating in!

 These lovely jonquils are from my garden.  They are popping up everywhere and show such signs of promise for Spring Time.
 I did finish this little crotched basket a few weeks ago - a bit of fun.
 Now I had a request from my last post to talk more about this quilt and how I made it.  When I went to take a photo, look who I found sitting comfortably upon it!!
 Here's a close up of one of my quilted pillows.
 To be quite honest, I've had this quilt "on the go" for such a long time, that I have really forgotten how exactly I put it together.  I know that there was no pattern involved.  I just had all my favourite Amy scraps, and wanted to make a big, snuggly quilt, one school holidays last year.
 I remember putting the quilt top together quite quickly.  I had to keep adding bits to the edges to keep making it just a little bit bigger.  Then I decided to hand quilt it.  I did some quilting early on, and then it got folded and tucked away.  When I got it out a few weeks ago, I realised I'd done quite a lot, and that I should just get on and finish it, so that's what I did.  Now I'm thrilled with the finish, and that's why I'm going all out with the extra pillows.  I'll take another photo when they're all done.