Friday, January 31, 2014

Very Hot Today

 It was forecast to be another very hot day today.
 I decided to get up early and do a small patch of weeding before I had a shower.  The first week of school has been endured and I've interviewed nearly all of the children one on one, finding out where they are up to in Maths so we are ready to start Point of Need Teaching right from the start of the year.
All children will be there together on Monday.
 I missed my garden being back at school, so had to take a posy of roses for my desk, so I had a little bit of garden with me during the day.
 These Tiger Lillies are spectacular.
 My canaries don't like the heat, but there are still more babies coming and growing in nests.  It has been a good year for them.  I love hearing them chattering while I'm out in the garden.
 This is an interesting Salvia I have in my garden.  I don't know the name, but I cut back other plants around it a while back, and it has flourished.

I may . . . have just made another Eva dress . . .  did I say I was a little obsessed?
Beautiful Hydrangea's in the early morning, but they do hate the heat.
Keep cool everyone.

A little obsessed

 I have worked on this pattern a lot, and certainly got my money's worth.
This is one of my new dresses I wore to school today.

"The Eva"
Very comfortable and cool for school.

Monday, January 27, 2014

"That's all Folks"

 It's a sad day around here . . . holidays end at midnight!
I did pack a punch into the time off though, and I guess I'm ready to go back to school tomorrow. This quilt was put together at a quilt workshop last week with this clever woman.
 Still need to sew my rows together . . .
Back in "quilting mode" I was inspired to get a wriggle on with this quilt that I started "lots" of years ago.  I just want to finish it now.

It's lucky I have a sewing room to leave all my "stuff" out because . . .
 tomorrow . . .
It will be all AusVels, Meetings, Assessment, Planning;  my medium will have changed from FABRIC, to PAPERWORK
It had to happen - I'll just have to go to bed early and remember to cut my lunch

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A trip to my Local Quilt Shop

 Last week, some friends and I went out for Breakfast, and then onto our local Quilt Shop.
It's a beautiful shop
I know the girl that designs these . . . AMAZING!

 Even the one who makes and teaches these lovely quilts
 It's a very special place linked with special people
 We had a fun morning, and then I came home and made a new top and another dress.  I'm on a roll.

It will all come to a crashing stop and there'll be tears before bedtime next week when I have to return to school, and it will be all books, books, books, oh, and meetings of course!

Monday, January 20, 2014

New School Pants

 This holidays has seen me flirting with Garment Sewing.
I've never been any good at it, but like all things, when you do it a few times, you gain more confidence.  Thanks Mum for always encouraging me!!
My mum actually found an old pattern amongst her treasures and used a pair of pants that I had, to make a "Just for Me" pattern.  This was the result.
The next pair I'm going to be very adventurous and put pockets in, like my recent dresses I've been making. 
 I'm sure Nelly thinks that I made the table mats "just for her" to lounge around on.  She loves to be anywhere close to where we are.
I DO just LOVE her.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Sunshine after Rain

My Garden is a constant source of forgiveness and love.
We have had SCORCHING temperatures here this last week, but despite it all, my plants have managed to get through and show their splendour

 When I got back from my holiday, I was delighted to see this Lilly in full flower. . .and so glad there was still a couple to open.  I bought them at a Farmers Market months ago.  Bulbs are such a reward for patience. 
 Hollyhocks coming up OUTSIDE the rocks . . . hmm, could I be moving those rocks again?
 My Pierre deRonsard was saying "photograph me! each flower, pick me pick me," as I went snap, snap, snap!
It was hard to resist as they were all so beautiful.
 Tiger Lillies coming soon
I know I'm not supposed to have favourites, but . . . Double Delight gets me every time.  She is just so delicate.
So, after a scorching day, we did have some drops of rain last night and lots of electrical storms . . . not good for fires, but . . .
my garden was smiling this morning and that makes me happy.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Get Frocked

I started off with the Eva Pattern from Tsuitti - this was my practise.  Nice and cool but too big around the top - then I modified the skirt and kept the top section.  Hmm - only modelling because I said I would!
 Been working on this once since Before Blogging!
Actually I've not been working on this one since B.B.
But I've been giving it a good work out in the last couple of days.

Watch this space for more progress on this one.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Cows came for a drink

While Mum and I were having a morning cup of tea,
The cows came over to have a drink too.  They were just outside our window.
There were some lovely little babies amongst them, and they were swishing the flies away with their tails.
Beautiful Frangipani outside my window.
. . . and I have made 2 Summer Dresses.  No. 1 below which I still have to hem, and no. 2 missed a photo.  I'll have to do a model in them tomorrow.
Kids have been enjoying cooling off in the River which is right on our doorstep.

. . . and I've found lots of interesting garden treasures amongst the flowers on my walks around . . . while I also have my eyes peeled for snakes, and lizards!
Holidays are good!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Farm Holiday

Visiting with my Mum and admiring her flowers.  Not so keen to help her out with much ground work though as it is snake season.
 These Emus are only decoration, but I let out a wild scream when I saw this Stumpy Tail Lizard on the path this afternoon.

 He walked off into this Salvia Patch, and could not be seen.
 I brought my sewing machine with me, so I think some sewing is the order of the day.
 Lovely lazy days with great views.