Thursday, February 21, 2013

Dr Pompo's Nose and friends

At school yesterday I came across the great book about Dr Pompo's Nose.  It was a 'crack up', and the children loved it, begging me to read the bit again where he had no nose "Good Hebbens!"

I couldn't resist that night while watering my neighbours vegi patch while they were away, just sneaking 2 of the many little golden nugget pumpkins, and making some faces, to take to school today. Needless to say, the children were delighted, and the 2 pumkin friends sat up and had a wonderful day at school!

Here are a couple of early morning shots of my front garden, now the sawdust paths are well established.

These 4o'clocks are so happy and bright.  Lasting just a short while but making a statement while they are here.

. . . and a BIG thank you to Mr Fothergill!!!!  A timely box of goodies arrived at my front door last week.  How did Mr Fothergill know that I have changed jobs at school this year, and am no longer looking after Lost Property, but am helping the Environmental Monitors with the grounds at school. 

These little goodies, will be a welcome bonus to start the year off.

In between the madness of it all, I find just a little time for some quilting.  Back to this one that has been hanging on my design wall since last I went to Sewjourn in November.
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Friday, February 15, 2013

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Table Tubs

My teaching partner made a comment that she wanted to have some Table Tubs this year, so the children could have thier pencils and red pens "at the ready" rather than wasting time finding them in pencil cases.

So I got busy on my sewing machine and whipped up these little beauties.  Needless to say, she was "thrilled" and the children love them too.  Our room looks fabulous with a little touch of . . . sewing!

I had a parcel arrive this week.
~Beautiful hand weaving and a special little present for me~

. . . and these are our Matisse Inspired Portraits, that were done in Week 1.
Yes, it's back to School, and my head is spinning already.
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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Garden Joy

Pierre deRonsard in second flush

Gallipoli Heath - tough and reliable

A beautiful Sedum, forget the name of this one, but has darker leaves.

These always make me happy - small chrisathamum

Vinca - about to bloom

. . . and one of my "favs" Just Joey - second flush.

She spoke beautifully and from the heart, and the crowd was pleased.

Her work is exquisit!
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Friday, February 1, 2013

Japanese Kimono

This afternoon was a special treat.

I took myself off to the opening of my friend's Solo Quilt Exhibition Opening.

She does amazing work, and if you're anywhere near Ballarat, the show is running for a week at the Post Office Gallery in Lydiard Street.

This was far and away my favourite!

When you looked at it in different light, or "squinty eyes" you saw something different.

~Amazing work by a very talented Fibre Artist~
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