Thursday, November 29, 2012

A little sewing but mostly Springtime Gardening

 A little bit of bucket building

 . . . and I've been waiting for these frilly poppies, but the day was just too hot today.  I had to come home and give them a cool shower with the hose.
 These Snow Peas have been yummy each time I've walked around the garden lately.  They are so sweet and luscious.
Loving the Love with these
 ...mostly seed pods setting now
 This dark Hucrea has been magnificent.  Must be in the perfect spot.

 Voo Doo Fushia flourishing at my back door
... and the White Watsonia's have been amazing this season.  I have 3 clumps of them in different spots in the garden now, quite established.
Can't wait to finish school so I can spend some hours in my cherished garden.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

For Jayne

These photos are for my sister Jayne
who has never been to
Lambley at Ascot 

I bought this Salvia to plant in my garden.  It was so beautiful.

The Papava Poppies were amazing

I missed the renunculas this year, but could see where they had been.
I remember seeing them last year and they were spectacular
This nursery is great to go to just for the garden walk.

Very neat vegi patch and very well signed

Next time you visit Jayne, why don't I take you for a drive to Lambley!
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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sewjourn Memories - Good Times

 I bought this little kit for these buckets from Ink and Spindle some (years) ago . . .
 I've taken them to and fro' Sewjourn quite a few times.  Finally, they got made up this time and I LOVE them.
 Cheeky conversations
 I was very taken with this lovely little sewing accessory - just LOVE sewing accessories, I'm a real sucker for them.  Didn't Tan model it well!
 Lara was the human machine with the amount of garments she was producing - just amazing!

 Good times and great to just sew sew sew for hours on end and not worry about anything else.
Thanks girls for another great weekend.  Just in time, as now I am knee deep in school reports and feeling quite stressed.  Can't wait to make another quilt!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

My Favourite Nursery

 Trouble with uploading photos tonight, so just one to tempt you. [more tomorrow]  I had a lovely Sunday afternoon wandering around my favourite Nursery - Lambley at Ascot.
 Regular readers of my blog, may remember my excitement and amazement of this story
Well, my chooks are a constant source of amazement, as I collected an egg today weighing in at . . .
 just 3 gms
A teeny tiny chook egg - probably nothing of substance inside, but a clucky chook was sitting on it in earnest, just the same!
Oh the joys of my backyard

Friday, November 16, 2012

November Garden and Sewing

 I was recently recommended this pattern the Tova, and tried my hand at it.
I downloaded it as a PDF which was much cheaper.
 This is my second go, and I think by my third I will be on a roll.
 I wore it to work this week and felt very pleased with myself.
My dear Nellie thought it was good too, but she stayed home and slept on quilts

Tuesday, November 13, 2012