Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Finished and Hung

 I've been working on this in the evenings this week while watching TV
 I was happy today when I found the binding in my "spares" box, and then on a trip to the garden shed, found a little piece of bamboo, just the right size.
 So I hung it up straight away, right next to my bed, where I will be able to admire it each night on my way to sleep.
 This is Day 2 of my Baby Canary out of it's nest.  It looks so tiny in the big avairy on the ground, as it can not yet fly.
 I think it's feathers have grown more today, but do you see that little tail feather?  That's why it is still on the ground.  "Grow little tail - Grow".  Thankfully the other birds are looking after it, and keep feeding it beak to beak.
. . . and this a is little Sweet William.

Monday, October 29, 2012

There's a Spring Baby in my Garden

 I've been waititng for this little one to fly from the nest, but I think rather it was quite a drop. The little tail feathers are not long enough for it to fly.  At this stage it is just hopping around on the bottom of the cage.
 Another nest is occupied, and there should be more babies any time soon.  This is her second go.  With the first lot, she kept galivanting around the cage, and didn't focus on those eggs!
 My 3rd and last Crab Apple for the season.  It's a real beauty.

I'm keeping a close eye on this little baby, as sadly I've found 2 others that didn't quite make it.  

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Lucky Me

 One of my favourite garden blogs 727m2 has been raving about a Fire Wheel Tree.
An amazing tree!  She has made the blooms everlasting, by creating these wonderful Tea Towels.
I was LUCKY to be the winner of her generous "give a way" - something I haven't won in years, so was thrilled when this lovely linen towel arrived in the mail on Friday.
 In my last post, I illuded to my crotchet project, but on thinking about it later, I realised that I haven't showed you a photo of it - since last winter when it all began.  I've got my second wind with it, albeit a little late for the crotchet season, and it's growing at a rapid rate.
 My beautiful Nigella (Love in the Mist) is a riot in my Spring Garden.  All in buds though, so in a few weeks, it will be a drift of blue.

More work in the garden this weekend, and a freshly mown lawn.  It's great to stand back and admire. 

Friday, October 26, 2012

Hand Quilting

 Some handquilting for a change from my crotchet

Garden Pleasures

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

More Windy Weather

 It was like this quilt was posing for these photos
 A big one that needs a windy day to dry

My Fav...

Some love . . .

 Some quilting love, blowing in the breeze - good sunny days for washing
. . . an oldie but a goodie!
 Some Pussy Cat love . . .
 A mini quilt for a special little friend . . .

 Some Coaster Love . . .
 And most precious of all . . .
My most favourite Pink Frilly Aquilegia with it's multitude of pretty petals -
Yes . . .
Garden Love!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

School Camp

I've been on School Camp this week with 130 kids . . .
I'm still in recovery mode . . .
This is me dangling from great heights on the Giant Swing!