Monday, June 25, 2012

Goings on in my world . . .

The next Crazy Mom box has arrived . . .

One more cut out to go . . . 

 Rag Rug slowed to a halt . . . trying to flatten it out a bit - any ideas?

And now starting a baby quilt for up coming
staff babies that are growing day by day

Thought I'd try another pattern from Sunday Quilts

Wish I'd made the squares a bit bigger, as it was quite fiddly
but good overall effect!

A bit of quilt adourning my couch!

Love the colours and the scraps!

More scraps in the making . . .

And a spot of "mumsy" mending!

I thought holes in the jeans were all the fashion,

but Miss Flowergarden insisted that they get covered up as she was sick of people asking her if she had ripped them on purose to be fashionable!

Pretty excited that she was knitting too on the weekend!
(and Master 12)

And finally, a new Lisa Chandler Skirt for me me me

Wore it to school today and thought I looked FABULOUS!
Am I allowed to say that?  Don't tell will you!!

Great fabrics for $15 a meter HERE!
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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Dorothy's Tail Neckerchief


I've been having fun with my hook.
I found this pattern on Ravelry last Winter but didn't get around to it.
Pattern by May Cheang
Very easy and fun to make.
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